The Supreme Court of Canada stated on several occasions that pre-trial detention is the exception, not the norm. This is especially true for youths under the age of 18. The Youth Criminal Justice Act governs young persons charged with criminal offences. The Act...
December 18 marked the 180th day since Bill C-46 received royal assent. The first part of the bill dealt with drug impaired driving. The second part of the bill dealt with impaired by alcohol and has now become the law. There is now mandatory alcohol screening, less...
In general an assault is the intentional use of force against someone else without that person’s consent. A common defence to an assault charge is that the other person consented. In other words it was not an assault; it was actually a consensual fight. While the...
It’s been a little over a month since the legalization of cannabis. Despite the concerns there has been no spike in cannabis-impaired driving. Drug impaired driving was a criminal offence before legalization and that hasn’t changed since legalization. However in...
The Youth Criminal Justice Act is a complex piece of legislation that governs how criminal charges against young persons are to be dealt with. The Act places a high degree of importance on the rehabilitation and reintegration of young persons back into society. As the...
Note: The mandatory minimum fines and maximum sentence available changed on December 18, 2018. For information regarding fines for offences occurring after December 18, 2018 see this post. Pleading guilty to impaired driving? There are many costs both personal and...